Advance Reader Copy
Thank you for your interest in reading my untitled adventure novel!
As a new author, it is very difficult to reach readers, and one of the best ways to reach them is to give books away for free. What you are signing up for is an "Advanced Reading Copy" of my novel. This will be a retail version of the book, but available weeks or months before most people can buy it.
My goal is to give hundreds of copies away, in the hope that some of you will enjoy my book enough to review it. I do not expect a lot of long book reports, but I if I am lucky, twenty or thirty of you will post one or two sentence reviews. I would also welcome an email to let me know what you thought of the book.
You are free to unsubscribe at any time. I will not share your information, and I will not send you emails asking you to buy courses or sponsor me on patreon.. I will just send you the free book and let you know when other books in the series are free too.