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Beta Reader Registration

Register as a beta reader

First, thank you! I need readers to help fix problems, identify holes, and otherwise improve my writing. As a new author, beta readers are my first line of defense against becoming a hack.

You are under no obligation and can quit at any time. Your information will be kept private, although (with your permission) I will list your name with the other people who help with the book. I plan to give Amazon gift cards to beta readers who make it to the end, but I will give more details about that later.

How does this work?

When the manuscript is ready, I will start sending it out to you, one chapter at a time. My goal is to send a chapter a week, but that is flexible. Once you receive the chapter, you have time to read it and then fill out a small questionnaire. The questions will depend on the chapter, but will generally ask about obvious problems, things you liked or found off-putting, characters that seemed weak, situations that might be too convenient, et cetera. You will also have an opportunity to offer other observations.

At the end of the process, once you receive the final chapter, there will be an additional questionnaire about the overall novel. Once I have this feedback, I can work on a new draft that will incorporate changes based on your input. A new round of beta reading may begin at this point, or (if the changes not substantial enough to warrant a second round), the book will be sent to the copy editor for review.

You will not be added to any other mailing lists, and your information will not be sold or shared to other sites or entities.

Legal Text

You agree not to share details or content from any books you are sent as part of the beta reader process (basically, no piracy or spoilers).  You are under no obligation to read or review any sent books, of course, this process is entirely voluntary.

I am asking for some general information about you to help when reviewing your critique of and suggestions for the novel, particularly if you are part of my target audience. My hope is to have a wide variety of people to beta read my novels, so I will not choose or skip you based on the following questions. Of course, your information will not be shared in any way.
Are you an author?
Genres you prefer (please check all that apply)
Story length you prefer (please check all that apply)
Validation Code